Curriculum Consultation Package

Dive into Art

Our β€˜Dive into Art’ package has been developed in response to the new education inspection framework (EIF). Ofsted’s β€˜deep dives’ into non-core subjects are intended to β€˜gather evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects.’

As a result, many schools are reviewing their Art curriculum and investigating whether pupils are in fact receiving a broad and balanced learning experience.

We can consult with your school to create a bespoke programme that ensures Art is fully integrated within the Curriculum and makes innovative and meaningful links to other subjects.

Everybody Arts can work with your school to achieve the following aims:

  • Ensure pupils have access to a broad and balanced art curriculum that guarantees progression of skills, throughout school.

  • Develop a skills progression document that sits alongside the Curriculum, to ensure pupils’ skills and knowledge are built upon year on year; providing evidence of intent, implementation and impact across the school.

  • Increase staff knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching Art and Design (Staff progression is key to pupil progression!)

  • Make your school funds work more effectively, by building a supply of Art materials /resources that can be used to teach a variety of techniques throughout school.

  • To prepare Subject Coordinators for β€˜Deep Dives’ into Art.

Services include;

  • Consultation and review

  • Recommendation, resources and guidance

Get in Touch

To book a free initial needs assessment and receive a quote get in touch via the form below, or email